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Partha Sarkar
Lecturer (Part Time), Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Subjects specialization: Analog Electronics, Elementary Communication Engineering, Microprocessor, Digital and Microwave Communication Engg. , Advance Communication Engineering
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Qualification: M. Tech from WBUT & PhD (Pursuing from NIT, Durgapur)
Teaching Experience: 8 years.
Other than Ramakrishna Mission Shilpapitha
a) Narula Institute of Technology as Teaching Assistant : 2013 – 2015
b) St. Mary’s Technical Campus as Assistant Professor : 2015 – Present
c) National Institute of Technology Durgapur as Ph.D. Research Scholar
d) Narula Institute of Technology as Visiting Faculty : 2016 – 2018
e) Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College as Visiting Faculty : 2018 – 2019
Special Certification :
Completed Basic Mountaineering Course (BMC) from Nehru Institute of Mountaineering (NIM), Uttarkashi, under Ministry of Defense, Govt. of India, with grade “A”.
One year certification course on Photography from Photographic Association of Dumdum (PAD) in the year 2011-2012.
Completed a certification course on Advance Rock Climbing from Summiters, Kolkata from 25th -29th Dec, 2012.
Completed a certification course on Rock Climbing from Summiters, Kolkata from 27th -30th Dec, 2011.
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Bansibadan Maji, Asish Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Chapter title: Effect of the size of various nanometals to plasmonic improvement in metal-dielectric–semiconductor substrate, Tentative Book Tile: Plasmonics, INTECH, ISBN: 978-953-51-6337-4, (communicated)(BCI/Web of Science).
Suvamoy Bhattacharyya, Partha Sarkar, Arijit Sen, Ashesh Sinha, Sandip Chanda, AVR microcontroller based error-free public addressing system, In K. Maharatna et al.(Eds.): Computational Advancement in Communication Circuits and Systems, in Advs in Intelligent Syst., Computing(AISC), Springer, ISSN: 2194-5357,(Scopus)
Suvamoy Bhattacharyya, Partha Sarkar, Sharthak Sarkar, Ashesh Sinha, Sandip Chanda, Prototype model for controlling of soil moisture and pH in smart farming system In K. Maharatna et al.(Eds.): Computational Advancement in Communication Circuits and Systems, in Advs in Intelligent Syst., Computing(AISC), Springer, ISSN: 2194-5357, (Scopus)
Partha Sarkar, Sambhu Nath Surai, Saradindu Panda, Bansibadan Maji, Asish Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Study on localized surface plasmon to improve photonic extinction in solar cell, In Jyotsna Kumar Mandal et al. (Eds): Contemporary Advances in Innovative and Applicable Information Technology, in Advs in Intelligent Syst., Computing(AISC), Springer, vol. 812, ISBN: 978-981-13-1539-8,(Scopus).
MrityunjoyRoy, Partha Sarkar, Kaushik Sarkar (2015), Study the effect of parameters used in stochastic resonance to enhance an image,In K. Maharatna et al.(Eds.): Computational Advancement in Communication Circuits and Systems, in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering(LNEE), Springer, 335, ISBN: 9-788132-222743,DOI 10.100/978-81-322-2274-3_57, Library of Congress Control Number: 2015931531, pp515-521, (Scopus).
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Bansibadan Maji, Asish Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “Study on surface Plasmon based improvement in absorption in plasmonic solar cell”, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-Asia, Bentham Science Publishers, 10 no: 4, 425–432. ISSN: 2210-6812,, (Scopus).
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Bansibadan Maji, Asish Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “Study on surface Plasmon based improvement in absorption in plasmonic solar cell”, International Journal of Nanoparticles, Inderscience,ISSN:1753-2507,Vol.10, No 1/2, pp-77-91,(Scopus).
Sarkar, A. Manna, S. Panda, B. Maji, A. Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “Effect of surface Plasmon based improvement in optical absorption in Plasmonic solar cell”, International Journal of Nanoscience, World Scientific, ISSN: 0219-581X, Vol. 16, No. 4, Online ISSN: 1793-5350, DOI: 10.1142/S0219581X17600286 (ESCI/Scopus).
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Bansibadan Maji, Asish Kr Mukhopadhyay, ”Effect of noble metallic nanoparticle to improve in absorption in Plasmonic based solar cell”, Microsystem Technologies, Springer, ISSN: 0946-7076 (communicated)(SCI/Scopus).
Partha Sarkar, Aritra Manna, Saradindu Panda, B. Maji, Asish Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “Effect of nanoparticle size to improvement in absorption in Plasmonic solar cell”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, ISSN: 2214-7853, 5,Issue 10,part 1,pp 21225- 21231 (Scopus).
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Maji, A. Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “ Effect of DNA-TiO2 Scaffold as Sensitize Absorber in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell”, International Journal of Computer Applications, FCS, ISBN: 973-93-80975-55-5, No 1, pp 27-31.
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Maji, A. Kr. Mukhopadhyay, ”Application of DNA like organic molecules as a substrate of semiconductor devices”, American Scientific Publishers-AIEM, vol. 5, No.1, ISSN: 2222-7059, DOI: 10.7508/aiem.2016.01.003, 2016, pp12-17.
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Maji, A. Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “Comparative study of Au and Ag nanoparticle to improved in absorption in Plasmonic solar cell”, Proceedings at IEEEXploredigital library in EDKCON18,ISBN: 978-1-5386-6415-5,
Partha Sarkar, N. Surai, S. Panda, B. Maji, A. Kr. Mukhopadhyay, ”Study on localized surface plasmon to improve photonic extinction in solar cell” Proceedings of IET sponsor International conference on Contemporary Advances in Innovative & Applicable Information Technology(ICCAIAIT), 2018
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Maji, A. Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “Comparative study of Au and Ag nanoparticle to improved in absorption in Plasmonic solar cell”, Proceedings at IEEEXploredigital library in DevIC 2017,ISBN: 978-1-5090-4724-6, DOI:10.1109/DEVIC.2017.8073 931, pp175-179.
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Maji, A. Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “Effect of Nobel metallic nanoparticle to improve in absorption in Plasmonic thin film solar cell”, Proceedings of IEEE sponsor International conference on CCSN 2016,ISBN: 81-85824-46-0,2016,pp52-56.
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Maji, A. Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “Enhancement of optical absorption in Plasmonic thin film solar cell”, Proceedings at IEEEXploredigital library of ICCECE2016, ISBN: 978-1-5090-4432-0, DOI: 10.1109/ICCECE.2016.8009538,2017, pp1-6
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Maji, A. Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “Study on surface plasmonic improvement in absorption in thin film solar cell”, Proceedings of IEEE sponsor conference on NCACERS-16,ISBN-978-93-86256-720,2017,pp 6-15.
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Maji, A. Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “ Study on DNA as sensitize scaffolds in Organic Dye Sensitized Solar cell”, Proceedings of IEEE sponsor International conference on Micro 2016,ISBN: 978-93-80813-45-5,2016,pp195-198.
Partha Sarkar, Saradindu Panda, Bansibadan Maji, Asish Kr. Mukhopadhyay, “Importance of DNA like organic molecules in the Semiconductor device area”, Proceedings of IEEE sponsor International conference on DevIC 2016, ISBN : 978-93-5258-825-1,2016, pp15-18.
MrityunjoyRoy, Partha Sarkar, Kaushik Sarkar, “Study the effect of parameters used in stochastic resonance to enhance an image”, Proceedings of IEEE sponsor International conference on CACCS 2014, ISBN: 978-81-322-2273-6.